Dear User-Centered, Interaction and Interface Designers, and like minded advocates:
MilwauCHI is faced with a problem that is threatening the existence of the organization. Due to inconsistent attendance and lack of volunteers, MilwauCHI may be forced to close its doors.
Some suggest that the problem lies within the current status of the economy where productivity is a priority and dictates that some of us need to work longer hours, take on more work, and wear multiple hats. This does not leave much room for anything else in our daily routine. The current officers and program committee members have been active in the organization for several years, and value the experience, but will be resigning.
If you are interested in keeping MilwauCHI alive, please step forward and identify your interest in participating as an officer or support committee member. The current officers and program committee members will be available to help you transition into this role.
MilwauCHI has done great things over the past five and a half years and we believe that the organization can continue to grow and help promote the importance of usability awareness and research in our community. We leave it up to you, our members, to help determine the direction MilwauCHI should take and look forward to hearing from you.
If you are interested in becoming an officer, being part of a support committee, or have any further questions, ideas, or concerns, please respond to [email protected] by February 11, 2005.
Thank you,
MilwauCHI Officers and Support Committees